Parent and Carer Alliance CIC has obtained funding to provide alternative food provision for sessions provided by the Gloucestershire Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme where the planned food provision is not suitable.
This project is limited by the funding provided and is available until the end of the 2024 winter HAF provision, 3/1/2025.
Please complete this form, in as much detail as possible, to share your child's need for alternative food and one of our Advisers will be in touch as soon as possible.
By making this request you are agreeing to provide feedback which is essential for funding for this type of support.
First Name
This is required.
This is required.
Phone Number
Please give the number you can be easily contacted on
This is required.
Email address
This is required.
Please answer all questions marked with a red star
Please answer all questions marked with a red star
Please tell us where you live, as we may have funding to provide reduced cost services
Telling us your postcode helps us to help you
Child's name
Please tell us your child's name
Child's date of birth
Please answer all questions marked with a red star
Child/Young person's additional needs
Please highlight all that apply, hold down the control key and click to select.
Austism Spectrum Disorder
Global Development Delay
Learning Disability
Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities
Physical Disability
Wheelchair User
Long Term Health Condition
Mental Health Condition
Sensory Impairment
Tracheostomy/Severe breathing difficulties
Please select from this list
Please describe your child's SEN needs.
If you selected Other please include a brief description of these needs
Please help us to understand the needs of your child
Does your child receive free school meals awarded in relation to a qualifying benefit?
Please click on the arrow and select one answer
I'm unsure
Please answer all questions marked with a red star
Does your child have an EHCP?
We are waiting for one to be issued
HAF Activity
Please provide the details of the HAF activity that has been booked for this child. If you have more than one child for whom the food being provided is not suitable, or a child who is doing more than one activity where the food is not suitable, please complete a new form for each
Name of HAF activity
Please answer all questions marked with a red star
Date and Time of HAF activity
Please answer all questions marked with a red star
Does this child have any dietary requirements or allergies?
Please describe these
Please help us to understand your child's needs
Please describe why the food provided by the HAF activity provider is not suitable
Please summarise your concerns so we can support you
Please help us to understand the needs of your family
Name and location of your nearest supermarket
This is needed to provide vouchers for food
Please answer all questions marked with a red star
Associate membership
Please tell us if you are an Associate of the Alliance, as we are able to give some priority services, and reduced cost services to Associates.
To become an Associate
click here
. To find out more about the Aims and Vision of the Alliance
click here
Are you an Associate of the Alliance?
Please click on the arrow and select your answer
Yes I am an Associate
Please select one option
Agreeing to Give Feedback
The Parent and Carer Alliance C.I.C. is only able to get funding to provide support through Grant funding, such as from the Gloucestershire Community Fund. For funding to continue to be given, the Alliance needs to demonstrate how the support we provide helps families like yours. By completing this form you agree to provide feedback, as telling us what worked for you, helps funders understand why these services are needed
Do you agree to provide Feedback on support provided to you?
Please click on the arrow and select your answer
Yes I agree to give feedback
Please select one option
What is your ethnic group?
Please choose one option which best describes your ethnicity - click on the arrow to see the list. This information is to help ensure that the Alliance is meeting the needs of all families, and is requested by funding organisations
White British
White Irish
White Gypsy or Irish Travellerr
White Roma
Other White Background
Other Asian background
Other Black, Black British, or Caribbean background
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Other Mixed or multiple ethnic background
Other ethnic group
Other ethnicity
If you selected Other above - Please use this box to describe your ethnicity
I have read and understood the Parent and Carer Alliance Privacy Policy,
click here
to read the Privacy Policy
By proceeding, I consent to my personal data being collected and used as stated in the Privacy Policy, and in this Notice
The Parent and Carer Alliance wish to collect and use this personal information for the following reasons:
To enable you to sign up for services, advocacy, training, information events, social activities and outings;
To provide you with support and guidance that is tailored to your needs;
To provide relevant future events/training and services by understanding your personal situation and experiences;
To help us to demonstrate need both locally and nationally to help the Parent and Carer Alliance work effectively with other organisations to improve the services provided;
To access funding sources to develop what we can offer to our members and to offer reduced price support;
To request feedback from you about what you think about any service or support provided to you by the Parent and Carer Alliance e.g. feedback to the National Lottery of the impact of advice and support that you have received as a direct result of their providing funding, which may involve them contacting you; and
To track information about the use of our website including information obtained via cookies to develop the website.
You can withdraw your consent to share your information at any time without detriment by email to
Consent to share information
YES I DO consent to share this to access alternative food provision
No and I understand that I cannot be provided with support without giving consent
Please let us know if you consent to share this information
Please click the submit button below to send this form and we'll be in touch very soon. Once the button is clicked a please wait message should appear, then disappear and be replaced by a thank you message at the TOP of the form. You will then be emailed a copy of the form, showing that it has been submitted.
If this doesn't happen, please scroll up for any error messages, as questions with a red star need to be answered for the form to submit. Any issues
click here
to contact us
© 2024 Parent and Carer Alliance